Uplyme Parish News

Our online Parish News including back copies  – can be viewed  here. 

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1 Safeguarding is part of our core faith and an integral feature of Christian life in our parish churches.

2 Welfare of children, young people & vulnerable adults is at all times paramount and takes precedence over all other considerations

3 Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser MUST be consulted whenever a safeguarding concern of any kind arises in your parish

Further information regarding Safeguarding can be found on this website and in the church office.

Service of Thanksgiving

The service

The thanksgiving will be comprised of different elements that take place within the context of a family service within in worship of the church.  There will also be songs, a talk, a Bible reading and some prayers.


The minister or leader will introduce the service with these words:

We are here today to give thanks for n, with his/her/their family and friends, and to support his/her/their parents with prayer and love.  God became a person in Jesus, and understands everything to do with children and how to look after them.  God loves children, and he wants them to grow into the people he created them to be.  He wants them to know a loving home.  He wants them to grow in their faith, and he wants them to live life to full through Jesus Christ.

The minister or leader will say the following and everyone joins in with the response:

God has done an amazing thing
Our God is a great, great God!

The minister or leader prays:

Dear God
You hold all life in your hands
and call us into the kingdom of Jesus
Help us to be faithful, grateful and happy
for all you have done for us.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord

Thanksgiving and Blessing

The parent(s) and supporting friends (godparents) come to the front of the church and stand.  Then minister or leader asks them and the whole congregation these questions:

Do you receive n as a gift from God?
We do.

Do you wish to give thanks to God and seek his blessing?
We do.

The minister or leader prays:

God our creator
we thank you for the wonder of new life
and for the mystery of human love.
We thank you for all whose support and skill
surround and sustain the beginning of life.
We thank you that we are known to you by name
and loved by you forever.
We thank you for Jesus Christ,
who has shown us how to live
and who has made it possible to know your love.
We praise you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The minister or leader will say the following and everyone joins in with the response:

God has done an amazing thing
Our God is a great, great God!

The leader and minister repeats for each child, and asks the parent(s):

What name have you given this child?

The parent or sponsor replies:

His/Her name is n

The leader or minister may take the child or place his or her hand on the child’s head.

As Jesus took children in his arms and blessed them, so now we ask God’s blessing on n.

Father in heaven
We praise you for giving us n.
Surround him/her with your blessing
that he/she may know your love,
be safe from evil,
and know your peace all his/her life.

After each child has been blessed, the whole congregation prays for the child/children:

Now let us pray for this child/these children.

May you learn to love all that is true.
as you grow in wisdom and strength,
and when you are ready,
may you come to faith in Jesus
And know him as your Lord,
Saviour, King and Friend

The minister or leader will say the following and everyone joins in with the response:

God has done an amazing thing
Our God is a great, great God!

The Parent’s Promise

The leader or minister asks the parents:

Will you do all that you can to love your children as God loves you.

The parent(s) reply:

With the help of God, we/I will.

The leader or minister prays for the parents:

May God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless you.
May he give you his grace to love and care for your child/children.
May he give you strength, wisdom, patience and faith,
May he help you provide for your children’s needs,
and by your example, in words and actions,
may you reveal the nature and person of Jesus Christ.

Receiving of a Bible

A copy of the Bible is presented to the parent(s) with these words:

Receive this book.
It is the good news of God’s love.
Take it as your guide.

A lighted candle is presented to the parent(s) with these words:

May this candle be a reminder to you to shine like God’s light in this world.

Godparents and Church’s Promises

The minister now addresses the sponsors or supporting friends (Godparents)

Will you do all that you can to help and support n and n in the bringing up of n?
With the help of God we will.

The minister or leader now addresses the whole congregation

Will you, the church here in Uplyme, do all that you can to help and support this family?
With the help of God we will.

We all say this together:

Creator God
We thank you for the gift of this child/these children,
entrusted into the care of the parents, family and church community
May we be patient and understanding,
ready to guide and forgive,
so that through our love
he/she/they may come to know your love
through Jesus Christ our Lord

The minister or leader will say the following and everyone joins in with the response:

God has done an amazing thing
Our God is a great, great God!