Uplyme Parish News

Our online Parish News including back copies  – can be viewed  here. 

Axe Valley Mission Community

Pew News for the AVMC


Exeter Cathedral Online Services


1 Safeguarding is part of our core faith and an integral feature of Christian life in our parish churches.

2 Welfare of children, young people & vulnerable adults is at all times paramount and takes precedence over all other considerations

3 Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser MUST be consulted whenever a safeguarding concern of any kind arises in your parish

Further information regarding Safeguarding can be found on this website and in the church office.

Crusaders Football

Football, Fun, Friendship and Fitness!

Disrupted due to COVID-19 restrictions, but we will resume as and when we are allowed.

Crusaders Football is a group of people who seek to bless the wider community through providing football, fun, friendship and fitness for children and young people under the age of 13. Although we do have older players joining us regularly.

The team has been operating for over 18 years and over those years the children have played in the National Crusader 6-a-side competition in Birmingham.  We have always been run as a service to the community and there is no charge for children that come along, but the parents often give us a donation towards replacement equipment and times when we need an alternate location (i.e. the pitch is waterlogged). It is a great blessing to see how we are supported by the parents who are so impressed by what we do and grateful to the church for providing this football group, to the extent that one of our regular Dad’s asked if he could help as he loved what we were doing. Now he comes every week with or without his child!

Leader: Robin Hodges (01297 445180)

Co-Leaders: David Hardman (01297 444799) Simon Smith (07421247147)

Helpers: Fletch Hulbert, Gavin Fowler

Time: Saturdays 9am to 10.15am (September to May)

Location: Uplyme Playing Fields      (Axminster 3G Pitch from January till end of March) Please contact the leader, co-leader or church office for further details or follow us on our Facebook Page: Uplyme Church Football Group