But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you —see that you also excel in this grace of giving. (2 Corinthians 8:7)
Regular Giving by Standing Order
This is by far the best way to give to the mission of the church. We hope that every member of our church community that is able will give by standing order/direct-debit – even if it is a small amount. The reason why it is so good is that it helps us plan our spending and giving. Such giving can either be direct to our Bank account or through The Parish Giving Scheme.
You can contact our church treasurer Sharyn Walker (01297 444811) or Nicky Davies (Vicar) on 07931 413629 for more details.
One-off Donations
You can give one-off donations simply by writing a cheque made payable to ‘UPLYME PCC’ and sending it c/o The Treasurer, Uplyme Church, Pound Lane, Uplyme, Devon DT7 3TT. Alternatively, you can do a single bank transfer using the bank details outlined above. If you would like to give to a particular project – e.g. Building Development then please let us know. There is also a “Donate” button on our website.
Gift Aid
Because we are a charity, if you are a UK tax payer we can claim 25% from the government on all your donations! To do this you need to write down your name and address and confirm that you are a UK tax payer with the words, “I confirm that I am a UK tax payer and would like GIFT AID to be claimed on my donation.” Alternatively you can complete a gift aid form which the Treasurer will be pleased to provide. (see above).
Some people choose to leave money to the mission and ministry of Uplyme Church in their wills and this is a lovely thing. If you would like to leave a legacy to the church then please contact our treasurer Sharyn Walker (01297 444811) or Nicky Davies (Vicar) on 07931 413629 to discuss further.
The Mission
Did you know that as well as being a worshipping community, the Church of England is the biggest voluntary organisation in the country? People often think of the church as being wealthy. Although the diocese has inherited some nice buildings and has some capital tied up in assets, Bishops are not paid any more than your local vicar.
However, we do need money to do all the good works that we do in the community – from direct work with children and young people, our work in the local schools, our services to those getting married and the bereaved, our pastoral support of those in need in our community, and our wider support for those in need in the world. As a registered charity, our accounts are public and you can see how and where we spend our money.
How much should I give?
We do ask our members – those who are joining in with the mission of God in the world – to contribute financially to our work. There is no set amount, and we recognise that some can give a little, yet others can give much. There is tradition in the Bible of giving 10% of your income, the first-fruits of your labour, back to God. This might be a good start, and part of this 10% might be given to the work of the church. Of course, the last thing we would ever want to do is put anyone under financial obligation or burden – we seek to alleviate poverty, not cause it!
How do I give to the mission of Uplyme Church?
If you would like to give to the work of Uplyme Church, the best thing you can do is set up a standing order with your bank as mentioned above.
We also have a card machine in the church for easy giving – in £5 amounts.
Other ways of giving are to use the pink or blue envelopes that you find in the church building. I’ll do my best to explain the difference. The pink envelopes are for regular, weekly, givers who like to give using cash or cheque. The pink envelopes are numbered so we know who has given so that we can claim the gift-aid. The blue envelopes are for one-off giving of cash or cheques and you need to fill in your name and address each time if you wish us to claim back the gift-aid. Of course, you can also give cash or cheques at any collection made during Services in the Church. These monies generally go to general funds unless advised otherwise at the time for a specific purpose.
Common Fund
The simplest way in which we support other churches is through our contribution to what is called the Common Fund. This is a ‘common purse’ that is administered by the Diocese of Exeter. It is from this fund (and from some other sources of income) that the Diocesan support staff and church ministers are paid. With this fund we ensure that every person in Devon has access to the good news of Jesus and pastoral care through a local church.